I don't do new years resolutions not for any real reason I just never have. What I have been doing for the last few years is setting goals for the next year. Is there a difference? Maybe, maybe not but phrasing it like goals makes it easier to do and it allows me to have several smaller ones. This also lets me plan ahead and I can have follow up goals for years ahead.
For 2025 I don't really have any major goals, mainly because I got most of the big things done this or last year. Both my career- and living-goals are sort of on pause until 2026
Career: keep working on my masters degree.
Financial: Reach 2 million kronor. This is more of a hope than a goal since it will depend entirely on the stock market. I won't be too upset if I don't reach it, but it would be nice. Since I started studying I have effectively cut my income in half and it's now lower than my average expenses so I will aim to keep these low. As part of that will be doing a series of post about tricks to save money.
Books: Finnish proofreading and publishing my next book. This is a hold over since last year and I have realized that I'll need to do another round of proofreading and fixing before I'm satisfied with it.
Blog: I'll continue trying to get it indexed not that I have much hope for it. It's very frustrating.
So those are my goals we'll see how many of them I get done.