Before I begin, I should say that yes the title does indeed refer to the Philip K. Dick novel. Though in this case it refers to a breed of genetically modified bright blue sheep.
Android's dream is a science fiction novel and it begins with a diplomatic incident between representatives of Earth and that of the alien race Nidu. Nidu has been Earth's ally, but relations have been strained for some time now as many on Earth feel exploited. To restore Nidu's goodwill, Harry Creek is tasked with finding a sheep needed in the coronation of Nidu's new ruler. This is made more difficult by the fact that there is only one sheep of that kind left. It is also complicated by conspirators from Earth, Nidu and a religious order.
And then the book gets really weird.
My thoughts
The book partly reminds me of the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy or Terry Pratchett in that it constantly interrupts the plot to tell stories about the different characters, peoples, organizations and other things. It's the kind of absurd writing style that I quite enjoy when it's done correctly.
I have previously read Scalzi's book Redshirts (which I recommend to anyone who has seen the original Star Trek) and this is similar in many ways. Redshirts is definitely the weirder of them (especially at the end) but androids dream I'd say is more exciting and maybe even the funnier of them. Assuming you're into bizarre humor.
If you have read it what did you think? Leave a comment. If you haven't read it you can check it out here Androids dream.