Friday, March 8, 2024

Baking with protein powder try 1


A bit of a caveat before I begin.

1 this is not a finished recipe it's me documenting my experiment. 

2 this is not meant to help anyone lose weight just increase the amount of protein. 

I did this experiment using a unflavored pea protein powder. I have no idea if it's the best or even good but it was on sale which is good enough for a first attempt. 

To start with I used this chocolate chip cookie recipe as a base.

4 dl Flour

6 dl Oatmeal

150g Butter (room temperature)

1 dl Muscovado sugar (very dark brown sugar)

1 dl Sugar

2 tsp baking powder

3 tbsp light syrup

110g Milk and dark chocolate

1/2- 1 dl water or until it is possible to roll it our without it crumbling too much

How many cookies depends on the size I made them roughly Oreo sized and got 60.

Preheat the oven to 200 (Celsius) and mix all the ingredients. Roll out out the dough approximately 1 cm thick and cut out with cookie cutters. Place the cookies on parchment paper, they can be placed fairly close. Lower the temperature to 175 and place in oven for 10-15. Leave them to cool before eating.

What I did

I was interested in weather replacing the flour or oats with protein powder would yield the best results.

So I mixed all the ingredients except flour, oats, baking soda and the water. Baking soda because it should be mixed with flour to avoid clumps and water because I anticipated having to change the amount to get the right consistency. That done I set it to the side

I had decided to do four test batches so I found four (in hindsight too small) bowls and filled all with 1/4 the rest of the ingredients with alteration according to each batch.

control                       Batch 1                       Batch 2                      Batch 3

1 flour                        1 protein powder        1 protein powder       1 protein powder

1,5 oats                     1,5 oats                      0,5 dl flour                 1 flour

0,5 tsp baking soda   0,5 tsp baking soda   1 dl oats                     0,5 oats

                                                                     0,5 tsp baking soda   0,5 tsp baking soda

Then I mixed in 1/4 of the butter sugar mix in each batch before following the recipe as usual. Rolling the dough out, using cookie cutters, placing on parchment paper and baking in the oven.

Per batch they are approximately 30g of protein or 2 g/cookie for my size.

Top left control, Top right batch 1,
 Bottom left batch 2 and bottom right is batch 3.


  1. Don't start experimenting at 8 pm after along day at work. It's not really relevant to this experiment just more general life advice.
  2. Pea protein has a distinct taste and with a neutral dough that becomes more noticeable. Picking a cookie with a solid flavor like ginger, cardamom or chocolate would be better than the chocolate chip I used. This might not have been a problem with a different kind of protein powder.
  3. The pea protein gave a more crumbly feel to the cookies and none of them melt together like the control did. An increase in the amount of butter might help.
  4. Batch number 1 was most best liked among my test subjects with batch 2 a close second. 

Next time solid flavor and more butter using batch 1 for my protein ratio.

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