Friday, November 29, 2024

Fixing my cape

I started this project a few years ago as a way to use up the leftover fabric pieces from a coat I made. Not sure if it's visible but its made up of hexagonal and rhombus pieces. I had a thing for hexagons at the time and I needed something to keep my shoulders warm. I wouldn't recommend using hexagonal pieces like this unless like me you have a pile of odd shaped bits. This way produced a lot of little slivers and the pieces didn't really fit together as seamlessly as I had imagined. Though that may have been because I had... not forgotten about seam allowance but assumed it would all work out without it. I was partially right but not really.

Then once it was sewed together I didn't really do anything to it. The fabric is a bit scratchy so I haven't used it as much as I wanted. I planed to solve that by giving it a lining but wasn't quite sure how. I also didn't have that much fabric to make it of. (I did however still have a pictures of it so that's nice)

But now years later I have finally decided what to do. 

When I made my pajama pants a few months ago I bought a big piece of flannel. The first thing I did was to lay it out place the cape on top and draw the outline. Then cutting it out giving me a lining fabric that is identical in size and shape to the cape. I pinned the two pieces together and used the ribbon to bind the edges together. I must say I spent way to much time thinking about the ribbon. More specifically if I wanted a Red or black one. In the end I decided to simply check the store. If there were one that matched the red well enough I would get that otherwise I'd pick a black one. Luckily they did have some red in nearly the same color.

I was a little more than half way when I got the idea to check the rest of the ribbon would lay. I had up until now only pinned maybe 20 cm of ribbon at a time adjusting as I sewed. Laying out the rest I realized my mistake weather it had been in the original measuring or in the fabric being some what stretchy I don't know but one things for certain I would be short about 30 cm of ribbon. Now I could run out and buy more and then just continue. But that would still leave me with two seams where I'd attached the new ribbon. 

I did however have another ribbon the same width and type but of a different color (dark blue). Wanting to use up materials I already have I picked the blue one and to make it all look deliberate I decided to only use it for the collar. Also when wearing it the collar would be hidden by my hair so it's less noticeable, the only problem is that I have already sewed the collar so I had to spend the rest of the evening unpicking all the ribbon I have added so far. I suppose this is my punishment for not adding up when measuring.


It's done, finally after far too long. The dark trim, despite not being planned it still looks quite nice. Also it matches the black lining

It does looks a little red riding hoodesc. But that's not the worst. Working on this I did realize how many items I have in exactly this color. 

More importantly it's booth warmer and not scratchy. Perfect for when I'm sitting at my desk. It's so warm that I have used it several times now. Unlike previously when it mostly just hung on the back of my desk chair. This is always the goal with altering any clothes. Making it better and getting more use out of something I already have.

A florentine diary from 1450 to 1516 By Luca Landucci

About  This is what it sounds like a diary written in late 15th to the early 16th century written by a regular citizen. Landucci was an apot...