Monday, August 19, 2024

search consol redirect issues

 For a while I have been trying to get this blog indexed on google. For those unfamiliar with it indexing is necessary for it to be searchable. This has been an exercise in frustration so far nothing is working and I don't know why.

A tip I got was to check which post got indexed and which didn't. Unfortunately all mine got labeled as having redirect issues so that doesn't help. 

First step was obviously to check the redirect. According to the checker there is no problem. This makes sense since neither bing nor yahoo has any issue.  

So the problem is something with all my posts but only for google. 

I am at the point where I'm open to trying anything. So this post is a test if having all small caps in the headline will make any difference. It shouldn't but Blogger makes it's links from the head line so who knows.

Also with neither pictures or outgoing links it is a very barebones post.

Update: So this didn't work, on to test number two trying to input some code I found.

If anyone has had similar issues and managed to solve them I would very much appreciate a comment about what you did. 

Or if you have other issues and just want to went a bit that's fine too.

Update 2: also didn't work. Today I'm trying two different things. Number one double the link to this post. Number two removing the sitemap from google search console. This might seem counter-intuitive the whole point of a site map is to help with indexing. But bare with me. I have older discontinued blog. while I tried to get this one indexed I fixed somethings on that too. Checking in on it I saw that basically all the posts has gotten indexed. But here's the thing the blogs are pretty much identical when it comes to content the most obvious difference is that I never bothered to do a sitemap for it. Also the sitemap I uploaded didn't really work with google. It doesn't keep track of the new posts. I should say I'm only removing it from google search consol not from the blog itself, I also have it on bing and there it works fine.

Update 3: Still no change so I'm going to try and removing the site map all together. I may have been too hasty singing the praises of Bing since it has apparently only indexed 12 of my 30 pages and doesn't seem to be checking the sitemap.

Update 4: Success finally...sort of...maybe. What happened was that the latest post, the one I uploaded after update 3 was not tagged with redirect errors but rather with the "Crawled not currently indexed". I choose to see this as a hopeful sign though it's still not indexed and I now have to figure out how to fix this issue so far the definition from google seems to be "there's nothing wrong and we'll maybe get around to it or not"

Update 5: I may have spoken too soon. The posts I uploaded have all gotten redirect errors and even the one I thought was working had too. New plan is this. I have an older blog that I'm no longer using. Annoyingly it gets indexed. So what I'm going to do is simply to copy it. All the settings all the layout and themes and hopefully this will do something.

A florentine diary from 1450 to 1516 By Luca Landucci

About  This is what it sounds like a diary written in late 15th to the early 16th century written by a regular citizen. Landucci was an apot...