Friday, July 26, 2024

The state of the blog 2024

This post is mostly just a general update of things that will happen this autumn that will have an impact on this blog one way or the other. That is assuming I have any regular readers who would care. 


I have started the process to get adds on this blog. Since before there are affiliate links to amazon on some posts but no one has clicked on anything, as far as I can tell. Therefore I'm trying a different way namely ads. I don't know how annoying they will be and if I don't like it I'll just remove them again. So far I have applied and the blog is being reviewed. Hopefully it won't take too long.


This spring I applied to several universities with the plan to spend the next two years getting a master degree. If I got in that would also mean taking a time of from work. The result of this is that there's a lot of things waiting on this. Form the small things like weather or not to by new work shoes or if I should save money or invest it like I usually do.

But also just the stress of not knowing what my life will look like three months from now. Along the little voice in the back of my head reminding me that I might not even get accepted. In that case I'll have to have an awkward conversation with my boss. There's been a lot of preparations for me leaving and getting replacements and letting them know what things they need to do. My leaving has been publicly announced to my coworkers. So for months they have been asking how it's going and I'll have to say that I don't know because the schools hasn't announced that yet.  I have been worrying weather or not I got accepted. My coworkers are all very encouraging and they all assured me that of course I would, but this doesn't actually help with my anxiety at all. 

So yeah its been a lot but now they have finally announced who is admitted and I (after an hour waiting to even log in to the website, not nerve wracking at all) got accepted to my second choice. Which is an online course in Uppsala. 

What this means for the blog is that after august I don't know how busy I'll be and won't know how much time I'll have to write. I won't need to commute every day but also I can't write during downtime at work. The question is also if I'll even have time to read or do other projects. More pressing is if I after reading course literature and writing papers all day will feel like reading fiction and writing posts about it. But only time will tell. In any case I have posts scheduled for some time.  

On a more personal note while I would have preferred to study on campus it is a good test. For some years now I have aspired to FIRE(Financial independence retire early). Basically you save money, invest it, stop working and do whatever you want living of the dividends. In my case I would probably write. But being an introvert and homebody I worry that if I were to retire I would just stay home all day. I worry that I would never talk to anyone and get lonely. But it's equally possible that once I'm no longer forced to interact with people for work I'll have more time and energy to spend with the people I like. These two years of studies would aptly test that. If in the next years I barely see anyone then I will need to rethink my retirement plans. If I join a writers group, meet my sister for lunch etc then I might do better than I thought. But only time will tell. 

Sorry about the anxiety but it helps to write it out. Anyway the long and short of it is that I don't know how much or little I'll write in the coming years but hopefully this blog wont die like the last one did.

A florentine diary from 1450 to 1516 By Luca Landucci

About  This is what it sounds like a diary written in late 15th to the early 16th century written by a regular citizen. Landucci was an apot...