Friday, April 26, 2024

It's time for my seasonal wardrobe change

 Four times a year I change over my wardrobe and now it's time to do that. Exchanging my winter clothes for spring. I do this for a number or reasons not least that there's no point in filling my closet with thick sweaters during summer. But it also helps to keep my wardrobe fresh. After a few months of looking at the same black and gray skirts everyday I'll grow tired of most of most of them and want something different. Maybe something with more color. I considered adding a note to myself about things I need to buy mainly new knitted gloves and wool skirts that aren't black, gray or black and white. But in the end I didn't because while I'm considering a more colorful wardrobe I'm also thinking about making it more gothy. We'll see what I'll decide.

A sweater and a depiller laying on a table.
Changing the wardrobe does take some time so I decided to do it during Easter when I had some time to do it thoroughly (I know that was a while ago but I have a publishing schedule). Doing it thoroughly meant taking the time to wash everything including my hats and scarves or at least rinse of my coats. I also removed any pilling. Making sure that everything is nice and clean for when I unpack it in the fall. There are some things that are going to need a bit more care my red coat needs an other button and a new lining. (Note to self when sewing coats don't buy the cheapest lining fabric) But that's a bit more work and will have to wait until summer.

A snowy landscape
And so it's done everything it packed away and my wardrobe is ready for spring. I would have showed before and after pictures but frankly even I can barely see the difference and the lighting by my closets is terrible. Of course a few days after this the weather turned and I had to walk through the snow in my spring coat. 

A florentine diary from 1450 to 1516 By Luca Landucci

About  This is what it sounds like a diary written in late 15th to the early 16th century written by a regular citizen. Landucci was an apot...