The murderbot diaries is a science fiction series with seven books. The first four books are fairly short, less than two hundred pages each, but well worth the read. I assume the other three are good too but haven't read them yet.
Murderbot is a security unit (Secunit) half robot and half cloned human rented out by the Company to provide security for various research expeditions. They named themself Murderbot after a disastrous mission. That mission was then deleted from their memory banks but they still have some memories of it in their neural tissue. Just enough to know something bad happened. To stop it from happening again they hack themself. Freeing them from the Company's control.
But the world isn't kind to a lone rouge Secunit, even one who just want to watch their tv-series in peace. The books follow them as they first seek their deleted memories and then tries to find their place in the world. On the way they make friends with humans and bots alike and fight back against the evil corporations.
Murderbot is the most adorable character. I just want to give them a blanket, a hug and tell them everything will be alright. But they are too antisocial to want that. They mostly just want to be left alone to watch their tv-series. As for the plots the books are focused on Murderbot investigating various corporate ploys while trying to keep their humans safe. All the books are liberally sprinkled with violence in a good way. Fast paced is how I'd describe the.
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If you haven't read it you can check it out here Murderbot.